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Regnum Chinae - Book Launch and Donor Appreciation Ceremony
Hong Kong,
ChinaOrganisation: The Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyThe publication of the first carto-bibliography of China, Regnum Chinae, marks the completion of the Western Maps of China research project.
This event celebrates the book launch as well as expresses our gratitude to Dr. Ko Pui-Shuen, the project sponsor.
Dr. Peter Van der Krogt, Research Leader, Explokart and Jansonius curator, Allard Pierson, University of Amsterdam, is an officiating guest of this event.Venue: Kaisa Group Lecture Theater (IAS LT), Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Shau Kee Campus, HKUSTTime schedule: 17.00URL: https://library.hkust.edu.hk/events/conferences/regnum-china[...]