The Brussels Map Circle

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London, UK
Organisation: British Cartographic Society
The British Cartographic Society annual conference and geodata visualisation hack day will be held in partnership with University College London on the 4th and 5th September. Registration happens here.
Venue: 20 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AL United Kingdom
Entry fee: 0-120£
Brussels Map Circle event

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Organisation: The Brussels Map Circle
The Brussels Map Circle is pleased to announce its next excursion. We were invited by our sponsor Paulus Swaen to Amsterdam, in conjunction with the Map Fair.
  • 10.00: Private tour of the Maritime Museum form BMCC and IMCoS members
  • 12.00: Opening of the map fair
  • 13.00-14.00: Lunch
  • 15.00: Lecture by Hans D. Kok, Is it a sea chart?
  • 18.00: Closing of the Map Fair
If you wish to register please email to Marie-Anne Dage, Brussels Map Circle Secretary,

Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
El Primer Simposio Colombiano de Historia de la Geografía y la Cartografía, a celebrarse en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias entre el 11 y el 13 de septiembre de 2024, es una iniciativa de Razón Cartográfica: Red de Historia de las Geografías y Cartografías de Colombia, el Programa de Historia de la Universidad de Cartagena y el Programa de Geografía de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede La Paz).
El simposio responde al amplio desarrollo que han tenido los estudios en historia de la geografía, historia del pensamiento geográfico, historia de la cartografía, historia territorial y geografía histórica en las últimas décadas en el país. Se concibe como un espacio de encuentro para valorar el trabajo hecho, para compartir las investigaciones en curso y para reflexionar sobre el papel y el futuro de dichas áreas en Colombia.
Language: Spanish

Valetta, Malta
Organisation: The Malta Map Society
The Malta Map Society has been honoured to host the 41st International IMCoS Symposium in Malta. This will be the second time that the Society will be hosting the IMCoS International Symposium which was last held in Malta in 2011. The Symposium which will be named Imago Melitae 2024: 41st IMCoS International Symposium is scheduled for 16 – 19 October 2024.
Six lectures by well-known figures in the cartographical world will be given along with visits to the National Library, MUZA, and Lascaris War Rooms in Valletta, the Maritime Museum and the Inquisitors Palace in Vittoriosa and the National and Ecclesiastical Archives in Rabat and Mdina.

Bologna, Italy
Organisation: The Commission on Cartographic Heritage into the Digital of the International Cartographic Association
The Commission on Cartographic Heritage into the Digital of the International Cartographic Association, continuing the tradition of its annual Cartoheritage Conferences, since 2006, is organising the 18th Conference on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage (ICA DACH) in Bologna.

San Antonio, Texas, USA
Organisation: Society for the History of Discoveries

Frontiers and Borderlands of Exploration

Frontiers, where explorers, traders, and indigenous peoples encounter one another, expanding their geographic and socio-cultural understandings as well as political and economic relationships, is the theme of this year’s conference. The experience and the acquisition of knowledge between and by those crossing frontiers into unfamiliar territory as well as the transmission of this knowledge back to their homelands includes scholarly examinations of exploration, encounters, and resistance across colonial and exploratory frontiers globally.

Paris, France
Organisation: Librairie Loeb-Larocque
23rd Exhibition of Antique Maps, Globe and Scientific Instruments.

The Brussels Map Circle will be present.

Venue: Hotel Ambassador, 16 bvd Haussmann 75009 Paris
Time schedule: 11.00-18.00

Paris, France
Organisation: Commission d'histoire du Comité français de Cartographie
Comme chacun le sait, le cinéma, principal média de fiction développé au cours du XXe siècle, a été dès son origine tourné vers la représentation des espaces et des paysages les plus divers à la surface de la planète. La cartographie, sous toutes ses formes, a été mobilisée dans les multiples tentatives pour transformer les lieux et les espaces géographiques en un ensemble de supports et de foyers narratifs. La Journée d’études proposée par la Commission Histoire du Comité Français de Cartographie a pour ambition d’explorer quelques-unes des modalités de la présence de la cartographie dans l’histoire du cinéma de fiction ainsi que dans les opérations cinématographiques.
Language: French
Brussels Map Circle event

Brussels, Belgium
Organisation: The Brussels Map Circle
Our next annual conference on 7 December 2024 will focus on Spanish cartography. More information to follow.