Cartagena de Indias,
ColombiaEl Primer Simposio Colombiano de Historia de la Geografía y la Cartografía, a celebrarse en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias entre el 11 y el 13 de septiembre de 2024, es una iniciativa de Razón Cartográfica: Red de Historia de las Geografías y Cartografías de Colombia, el Programa de Historia de la Universidad de Cartagena y el Programa de Geografía de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede La Paz).
El simposio responde al amplio desarrollo que han tenido los estudios en historia de la geografía, historia del pensamiento geográfico, historia de la cartografía, historia territorial y geografía histórica en las últimas décadas en el país. Se concibe como un espacio de encuentro para valorar el trabajo hecho, para compartir las investigaciones en curso y para reflexionar sobre el papel y el futuro de dichas áreas en Colombia.Language: Spanish
E-mail: simposiorazoncartografica@gmail.comURL: https://razoncartografica.com/2023/11/01/convocatoria-primer[...]
Washington DC,
USAThe Geography & Map Division of the Library of Congress and Philip Lee Phillips Society will be holding an event on September 19, 2024: Mapping in the Islamic Tradition.
More information here
OnlineOrganisation: The society for the history of discoveriesThis is a presentation on the manuscript-in-process on the life (and afterlife) of Alexandrine “Alexine” Tinne (1835-1869), a Dutch woman who traveled and explored the Nile River and its tributaries (among other places) in the 1850s and 1860s. This work looks at the many roles ascribed to her because of her class and gender. The title refers to the different “lives” she inhabited depending on who was talking/reporting about her and her time in Africa. In her life, she was portrayed as a wealthy “lady traveler”, a brave adventurer, a “cracked” madwoman, and an explorer. In death, Tinne became a martyr and cautionary tale. In her afterlife, depending on century and target audience, she was an abolitionist, a New Woman, an imperial mother, an explorer, a feminist, a fool who [SPOILER ALERT!] got herself killed…
Registration here.Time schedule: 21.30 (Brussels)
FranceGeography as the ‘eye of history’ was a common expression in the modern period, but it is articulated in a specific way if we take the cartographic object as our point of observation. The aim of this study day is to reinvestigate the relationship between maps and history in several directions in the chronological span from the XVIᵉ to the XVIIIᵉ century, in Europe and its imperial extensions.
9h15 : Accueil des participants
9h30 : Mot d’accueil de la BnF par Cristina Ion (directrice adjointe du département des Cartes et plans de la BnF)
9h45 : Introduction générale par Oury Goldman (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Lucile Haguet (Bibliothèque municipale du Havre) et Geoffrey Phelippot (EHESS-CAK)
Session 1 : La carte, un art de la mémoire au service de l’histoire
Session présidée par Antonella Romano (EHESS-CAK)
10h : Aurélien Ruellet (Le Mans Université), « Comme la toile où l’on place en son lieu ce que l’on aprend », La carte et l’histoire dans les collèges oratoriens (années 1640-années 1780)
10h30 : Louise McCarthy (Université Paris Cité), La carte comme théâtre de la mémoire, « Ould Virginia » de John Smith et Robert Vaughan (1624)
11h : Monika Marczuk (BnF, département des Cartes et plans), Histoire en un coup d’oeil : Mappemonde historique de J.-L. Barbeau de La Bruyère (1750)
11h30-11h45 : Pause-café
Session 2 : Quand l’historien se fait cartographe
Session présidée par Jean-Marc Besse (CNRS-EHESS)
11h45 : Éric Grosjean (École Pratique des Hautes Études), Fabio Calvo ou les principes architecturaux de Vitruve appliqués à la cartographie historique de la Rome Antique à l’aube du XVIᵉ siècle
12h15 : Ghislain Tranié (Centre Roland Mousnier, Sorbonne Université), L'oeil du polygraphe. Gabriel Simeoni et la fabrique des lieux de l'histoire au milieu du
XVIᵉ siècle
12h45-14h : Repas
14h-15h : Présentation des cartes par Catherine Hofmann (BnF, Cartes et plans) en
Salle des vélins, sur inscription, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Session 3 : Chronotopoï, deux exemples de lieux cartographiés avant tout pour leur histoire
Session présidée par Lucile Haguet (Bibliothèque municipale du Havre)
15h : Iona Zamfir (Bucharest National Museum of Maps and old Books), Jerusalem as Chronotopos, The Tension between the Textual and Visual Mediums in 16 - Century Geographic Literature
15h30 : Pierre Salvadori (Université d’Artois), Anatomie d’une connexion, histoires situées du pont transarctique dans la cartographie du XVIᵉ siècle
16h-16h15 : Pause-café
Session 4 : La carte comme outil stratégique et politique
Session présidée par Catherine Hofmann (BnF, Cartes et plans)
16h15 : Anne-Rieke Van Schaik (University of Amsterdam), Making History, Floris Balthasar Puts Dutch Victories on the Map (c.1600-1610)
16h45 : Grégoire Binois (Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine), Cartographier l’histoire militaire aux XVIIᵉ et XVIIIᵉ siècles, une activité stratégique
17h15 : Kory Olson (Stockton University), L’oeil de la Révolution, Le Plan d’une partie de la ville de Paris de Mangin
CzechiaEthnolinguistic maps are an important genre of modern political cartography. Originating in Europe at the end of the eighteenth century, the genre subsequently underwent a tumultuous development, mainly due to the organisation of statistical censuses, the development of printing technologies, the efforts of states to territorialise (centralise), and the growth of modern nationalism. With the development of mass literacy and mass politics, ethnolinguistic maps became an important medium of public debate. Different map-making techniques emerged to serve the political goals of national movements and the territorial aspirations of nation-states. Ethnolinguistic maps became part of school curricula, political agitation and national conflicts. European attempts to apply this concept of clear ethnic lines to the colonial world in order to map the languages and ethnicity/race of the population proved difficult and led to the simplification and misunderstanding of complex social structures and cultural identities of the inhabitants.
Ethnolinguistic maps became a key argument in the post-war negotiations on new borders, as well as an important propaganda tool for movements seeking the territorial revision of 'unjust' borders. However, there were also efforts at inter-ethnic cooperation in cartography and innovations aimed at 'scientific' and neutral cartography. After 1945, the genre lost much of its political potential due to the discrediting of the idea of territorial expansion, but it experienced a rebirth during post-communist ethnic conflicts (post-Soviet, post-Yugoslav countries), ethno-religious conflicts in the Near East, and decolonisation processes. The workshop will focus on the development of ethnolinguistic maps in Europe and other regions of the world from different perspectives from the 18th to the 21st century.
URL: https://www.hiu.cas.cz/udalosti/ethnolinguistic-cartography-[...]
MaltaOrganisation: The Malta Map SocietyThe Malta Map Society has been honoured to host the 41st International IMCoS Symposium in Malta. This will be the second time that the Society will be hosting the IMCoS International Symposium which was last held in Malta in 2011. The Symposium which will be named Imago Melitae 2024: 41st IMCoS International Symposium is scheduled for 16 – 19 October 2024.
Six lectures by well-known figures in the cartographical world will be given along with visits to the National Library, MUZA, and Lascaris War Rooms in Valletta, the Maritime Museum and the Inquisitors Palace in Vittoriosa and the National and Ecclesiastical Archives in Rabat and Mdina.URL: https://maltamapsociety.mt/imago-melitae-2024-41st-imcos-int[...]
ItalyOrganisation: The Commission on Cartographic Heritage into the Digital of the International Cartographic AssociationThe Commission on Cartographic Heritage into the Digital of the International Cartographic Association, continuing the tradition of its annual Cartoheritage Conferences, since 2006, is organising the 18th Conference on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage (ICA DACH) in Bologna.URL: https://cartography.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage/
San Antonio, Texas,
USAOrganisation: Society for the History of Discoveries
Frontiers and Borderlands of Exploration
Frontiers, where explorers, traders, and indigenous peoples encounter one another, expanding their geographic and socio-cultural understandings as well as political and economic relationships, is the theme of this year’s conference. The experience and the acquisition of knowledge between and by those crossing frontiers into unfamiliar territory as well as the transmission of this knowledge back to their homelands includes scholarly examinations of exploration, encounters, and resistance across colonial and exploratory frontiers globally.
URL: https://discoveryhistory.org/event-5610569
FranceOrganisation: Commission d'histoire du Comité français de CartographieComme chacun le sait, le cinéma, principal média de fiction développé au cours du XXe siècle, a été dès son origine tourné vers la représentation des espaces et des paysages les plus divers à la surface de la planète. La cartographie, sous toutes ses formes, a été mobilisée dans les multiples tentatives pour transformer les lieux et les espaces géographiques en un ensemble de supports et de foyers narratifs. La Journée d’études proposée par la Commission Histoire du Comité Français de Cartographie a pour ambition d’explorer quelques-unes des modalités de la présence de la cartographie dans l’histoire du cinéma de fiction ainsi que dans les opérations cinématographiques.Venue: INHA – SALLE VASARILanguage: FrenchURL: https://cartogallica.hypotheses.org/3220Brussels Map Circle event
BelgiumOrganisation: The Brussels Map CircleOur next annual conference on 7 December 2024 will focus on Spanish cartography. More information to follow.
FranceOrganisation: ISHMAPThe International Society for the History of the Map (ISHMap) announces its VII Symposium and III Workshop that will take place in Campus Condorcet (Aubervilliers), Paris, France, from 8 to 11 July 2025. Symposium is organized in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary laboratory Géographie-cités (member of French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)).
More information here