The Brussels Map Circle

HomeEvents → Symposium: Maps are too exciting! Digital innovations in cartography

Symposium: Maps are too exciting! Digital innovations in cartography

Oxford, UK/Online
Technologies continuously evolve transforming the representation of space and geography, shaping new forms of consciousness and knowledge. Digital technologies are mediating access to and research into cartographic material. 2D and 3D digital recording and display technologies are being employed to document rare maps, globes, and other cartographic material, enhancing research and playing a crucial role in the decision-making processes focused on both access and preservation. The same GIS being used to map our planet are also mapping the surface of vellum manuscripts, or mapping projected digital images. This material evidence, when combined with machine learning and immersive display technologies, has the potential to cultivate a new intimacy with the physical world.
As the physical world is digitised, the digital world becomes increasingly physical. Maps help us navigate this unfamiliar terrain. Two sessions will bring together experts in cartographic history and cartographers of the digital world in a celebration and exploration of the role that maps play to provide access to real and imaginary worlds.
Venue: Weston Library and online