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HomeExhibitions → Vision(s): Gustave Ruhl, Liège et Verviers au XVIIIe siècle

Vision(s): Gustave Ruhl, Liège et Verviers au XVIIIe siècle

Liège, Belgium
Throughout his life, Gustave Ruhl (Verviers, 1856 - Hermalle-sous-Argenteau, 1929) never stopped studying and defending the architectural heritage of our regions. This lawyer, active in the Royal Commission for Monuments and Sites and several learned societies, devoted numerous historical works to the cities of Verviers and Liège.
On his death, he bequeathed a large part of his estate, his library and all his documentation to the University of Liège. The "Vision(s)" exhibition aims to reveal the wealth of this exceptional documentary collection through a selection of items (notes, sketches, plans, engravings, photographs, etc.) relating to the cities of Liège and Verviers. It is also a unique opportunity for the public to discover some of the models and relief plans made by Gustave Ruhl and the holographic version of the City of Liège around 1730, created by Prof. Pierre Hallot (DIVA laboratory).
This exhibition is the fruit of a partnership between the Musée Wittert, the ULiège Library and the DIVA laboratory, three entities of the Pôle muséal et culturel of the Université de Liège.
Venue: Place du 20-Août, 7 4000 Liège
Entry fee: Free