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Maps in History - Newsletter No 57 issued
- Exhibitions
- When Italy drew the world - Cartographic treasures of the Italian Renaissance
Looks at Books
- J. Binimelis, V. Mut and the wall maps of Majorca
- Universal Cosmography according to both ancient and modern navigators by Guillaume Le Testu
- Treasures from the Map Room
- Giovanni Antonio Rizzi Zannoni
- Philippe Vandermaelen, Mercator of newly-born Belgium. The history of the Établissement géographique
de Bruxelles and of its founder
- Old maps only a few mouse clicks away on www.cartesius.be
- History and Cartography
- Studying the production process of the Ferraris Maps (1770s) and its implications for geometric accuracy
- The Villaret Map
- Other Villaret Maps
- Interview
- How I Got Into Cartography ... through a Different Door! Interview with David Raes
- Map Circle news
- The glorious Netherlands (Exhibition report)
- Map Circle Programme for 2017
- Globes and Instruments (Conference report)
- The dissemination of cartographic knowledge (ICA Symposium Dubrovnic report)
- The map on the scale of the World Colloqium in Albi, France report
- Paris Map Fair - report
- Events calendar
- Exhibition calendar
- Auction calendar
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