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More maps of Monaco

Our readers may remember the publications on Monaco by Rod Lyon, an active member of the Malta Map Society and formerly engaged as expert in ancient maps and engravings by a leading antiquarian dealer in Monte Carlo; after articles in our Newsletter No 37 (May 2010), he had produced a little book presenting the sum of his research over thirty-five years on maps of Monaco (see Newsletter No 48, January 2014).
A new edition of 'Monaco autrefois [Monaco in the past] – old maps, charts and plans of the Principality of Monaco (1640 – 1879)' has just been issued: hardback, 88 pp. fully illustrated in colour, with more maps and expanded texts.
Its larger format (A4) makes it an attractive book to view reproductions of all the maps in the book.
The book can be ordered (at EUR 50.00) from the author: Rod Lyon, 28 Triq is Sikka, Bahar-ic-Caghaq, Naxxar, Malta GC (

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