The Mapmaker's Quest: depicting new worlds in Renaissance Europe, David Buisseret
Die Welt in alten Karten und Ansichten - Karten und Atlanten in der Landeszentralbibliothek Schleswig-Holstein, Gerhard Kraack and Jens Ahlers
Les plans de Paris des origines (1493) à la fin du XVIIIe siècle / études, carto-bibliographie, Jean Boutier et al.
Petermann's Planet - A Guide to German Handatlases and their Siblings throughout the World, Jürgen Espenhorst
De familie de Bersacques, Martijn Vandenbroucke
Imago Poloniae - Das Polnische-Litauische Reich in Karten, Dokumenten and alten Drucken in der Sammlung von Tomasz Niewodniczański and Catalogue of the exhibitionBrückenschlag - Polnische Geschichte in Karten un Dokumenten
The shaping of Africa - Cosmographic Discourse and Cartographic Science in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Francesc Relaño
Van Mercator tot computerkaart, een geschiedenis van de cartographie, F. De Puydt and G. Goossens
Map of the Season
Map of Haynault by Jacques Surhon, 1579
Pictures at an Exhibition
Plans-reliefs of fortified cities - Permanent exhibition in Lille
Mapping the Antarctic: From fiction to fact, Samuel Humes
On the centenary of the death of Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904), Peter Daerden