Home → Maps in History → No 32
Newsletter No 32
Titles of articles
Exploring places with maps
History of Cartography
- A citizen of Bruges witnesses the first circumnavigation by Magellan
- About De Bouge's map of Europe
- Martino Martini, Novus Atlas sinensis – 1655
- The 'Vlassenbroeck' mystery
Looks at books
- 1800-1950. Vol. II: The rare and small Handatlases including Globes
- Monumenta Cartographica Neerlandica, Vol. VIII: Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612) and Petrus Kaerius (1571-c.1646)
- Petermann’s Planet – A Guide to German Handatlases and their Siblings …
- The manuscript atlases by Christian Sgrootens
Pictures at an Exhibition
- Exhibition at the Mercator Museum in Sint-Niklaas: The 17 Provinces on old maps
- Oudenaarde 1708
- Wulf Bodenstein receives the IMCoS Helen Wallis Award 2008