Home → Maps in History → No 44
Newsletter No 44
Titles of articles
History of Cartography
- Facsimile of the Mercator-Hondius Atlas of 1607
Looks at books
- A Royal Source for Mercator: the atlas of Christian Sgrooten
- Facsimile of the Mercator-Hondius Atlas of 1607
- Johann Schöner’s Globe of 1515
- Mapping Africa
- South-West Flanders in war 1566-1713
Pictures at an Exhibition
- A Royal Source for Mercator
- Cartografia de las Americas
- Mapping Cyprus: Crusaders, Traders and Explorers
History and Cartography
- Mercator 1569 coloured world wall map reassembly
- Mercator’s function
- The scientific Library of Gerard Mercator