Home → Maps in History → No 46
Newsletter No 46
Titles of articles
Looks at books
- Barcelona, Genoa and Marseilles, Cartography and Images (16th to 19th c.)
- Kilimanjaro – the German story of an African mountain
- Maps of Istanbul 1422-1922
- Rwanda as seen through the life of Hans Meyer (1858-1929)
- The cartographic treasure of Catalonia - the oldest maps from the 17th and 18th c.
Pictures at an Exhibition
- Steady as She Goes – Sailing with Mercator’s Map
History and Cartography
- A topographical study of the regional maps of Jacob van Deventer
- Dr Livingstone, I presume?
- Hypotheses for further research
- Sea Monsters on Maps – The Transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
- The History of Cartography Project
- The Quest for Ptolemy in Alexandria and Warsaw
How I Got Into Cartography