Home → Maps in History → No 49
Newsletter No 49
Titles of articles
- Cartographic treasures of Bruges - BIMCC excursion - 18 February 2014
History of Cartography
- The mystery surrounding the Matteo Perez d'Aleccio map prints of the Great Siege of Malta of 1565
Looks at books
- The Fourth Part of the World
- Japoniae Insulae. The mapping of Japan
- A curious and impertinent geography of France
- Meridians - Texts, debates and passions about the Paris and Greenwich meridians
- Die Weltkarte des Nicolas de Fer aus dem Jahr 1694
- The Charting of Maltese Waters. A Historical Account
- Rund um die Globen - In memoriam Rudolf Schmidt
- Maps, Globes, Instruments and Books in the Early Modern History of Science at the CIUHCT in Lisbon
- História da Cartografia Ibérica: do Mediterrâneo ao Mundo - International Workshop, 27-28 March, Lisbon
How I Got Into Cartography