Newsletter No 50

44.63 MiB
Titles of articles
History of Cartography
- Early Maps Indian Style
- Bicentenary of Rizzi Zannoni (1736-1814)
- Giovanni Antonio Rizzi Zannoni – A Biography
Looks at books
- The earth. Knowledge, representations, measurement in the middle-ages
- Enigmas, Geography, Expeditions and Cartography of the Americas
- The world as seen from Augsburg – Tobias Conrad Lotter (1717-1777)
- Maps and Representations of the eastern Mediterranean made in 'the West' (from the middle of the 13th to the end of the 15th centuries)]
- Mapping the First World War: Battlefields of the Great Conflict from Above
- Antiquarian Map Puzzles
Pictures at an Exhibition
- Luís Serrão Pimentel (1613-1679)
- Introduction to the Philippine Map Collectors Society (PHIMCOS)
- The BIMCC Newsletter story
How I Got Into Cartography
- Emmanuelle Vagnon