Newsletter No 54

2.52 MiB
Titles of articles
International Conferences and Study Sessions
- Mapping the Ottoman Empire
Brussels Map Circle International Conference (Karen De Coene)
Looks at books
- The world’s masterpieces explored and explained (Nicola Boothby)
- Collecting Old Maps (Nicola Boothby)
History and Cartography
- How old are portolan charts really?
Response of Roël Nicolai to Joaquim Gaspar and Tony Campbell (Roel Nicolai) - The Modern Atlas as Diplomatic Gift (Toshiyuki Shimazu)
- La cartographie des traités (XVe – XXe siècles)
19 - 20 November 2015 - Archives diplomatiques de La Courneuve (Caroline De Candt) - The rectification of the northern border of France in 1779, in the field, in La Flamengrie (Jean-Louis Renteux)
How I Got Into Cartography
- How I Got Into Cartography
Interview with Joost Depuydt