Newsletter No 56

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Titles of articles
- IATO ATLASES Symposium
4 – 7 May 2016 Academia Belgica, Rome
Looks at books
- Hautes-Fagnes
Cartographie ancienne. Enseignements des cartes anciennes pour servir l'histoire du haut plateau fagnard et retracer l'évolution de ses paysages (Christiane De Craecker-Dussart) - Mapping the Roads - Building Modern Britain (Nicola Boothby)
- Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598) Life · Work · Sources and Friends (Jan De Graeve)
- The Pre-Siege Maps of Malta, Second Century AD - 1564 (Wulf Bodenstein)
History and Cartography
- First International Workshop
On the origin and evolution of portolan charts (Jean-Louis Renteux) - Seller's 'Draught of Cape Bona Esperanca': deliberate Dutch disinformation? (Roger Stewart)
How I Got Into Cartography
- Interview with Nick Millea (Nicola Boothby)