Newsletter No 57
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Titles of articles
International Conferences and Study Sessions
- Globes and Instruments
International Conference of the Brussels Map Circle (Karen De Coene)
Looks at books
- Joan Binimelis, Vicenç Mut and the wall maps of Majorca (17th – 18th centuries) (Luis Robles-Macias)
- Universal Cosmography according to both ancient and modern navigators by Guillaume Le Testu (Christiane De Craecker-Dussart)
- Treasures from the Map Room - Bodleian Collections (Nicolas Boothby)
- Giovanni Antonio Rizzi Zannoni (Alex Smit)
- Philippe Vandermaelen, Mercator of newly-born Belgium. The history of the Établissement géographique de Bruxelles and of its founder (Wulf Bodenstein)
Pictures at an Exhibition
- De glorieuze Nederlanden (Caroline De Candt)
- The dissemination of cartographic knowledge - 6th International Symposium on the History of Cartography, Dubrovnik (Caroline and Paul De Candt)
- The map on the scale of the World - Colloquium in Albi, France - A report (Jacques Mille)
History and Cartography
- Old maps only a few mouse clicks away on (Claire Dejaeger)
- Studying the production process of the Ferraris Maps (1770s) and its implications for geometric accuracy (Soetkin Vervust)
- The Villaret map (Georges Vande Winkel)
- Other Villaret maps (Jean-Louis Renteux)
How I Got Into Cartography
- How I got into cartography … through a different door! Interview with David Raes (Nicola Boothby)