Newsletter No 62

42.06 MiB
Titles of articles
- Brussels Map Circle’s Excursion in Luxembourg (Marie-Anne Dage)
Looks at books
- Aus allen Weltteilen Ägypten mit Sudan und Libyen by Imre Josef Demhardte Sudan and Libya (Wulf Bodenstein)
- The Island of Malta and the Order of St John by Grigory Krayevsky (Nicola Boothby)
- Une Carrière de géographe au siècle des Lumières | Jean-Baptiste d’Anville edited by Lucile Haguet and Catherine Hofmann (Jean-Louis Renteux)
- Record sale of a Blaeu atlas in Brussels (Jean-Louis Renteux)
- News from Switzerland - Cartographica Helvetica (Wulf Bodenstein)
- Brussels Map Circle 20th Anniversary Programme
History and Cartography
- The maps in the early editions of Guicciardini's Descrittione di tutti i paesi bassi (Wouter Bracke)
How I Got Into Cartography
- Interview with Chet Van Duzer (Luis A. Robles-Macias)