Newsletter No 64

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Titles of articles
Exploring places with maps
- The National Archives of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. A new law, new premises, a new way of working … (Nicola Boothby)
Looks at books
- Le langage des géographes. Termes, signes, couleurs des cartes anciennes (1500-1800) by by François de Dainville | Preface by Hélène Richard, Jean-Louis Tissier and Cécile Souchon (Christiane De Craecker-Dussart)
- Brabantia Ducatus | Geschiedenis en cartobibliografie van het Hertogdom Brabant tot 1795 by Mario Dorigo & Mathieu Franssen (Eric Leenders)
- The Da Vinci Globe by Stefaan Missine (Wouter Bracke)
- Franz Ritter von Hauslab, der gelehrte Offizier by Jan Mokre (Wulf Bodenstein)
Pictures at an Exhibition
- Pictura Loquens (Jean-Louis Renteux)
- Bears with measuring chains … (Nicola Boothby)
- The Map Room at the Royal Library of Belgium has a new reading room. Or not? (Wouter Bracke)
History and Cartography
- Chronograms in cartography – an excursion into dates (Francis Herbert)
- Nieuwe Caart van de Rivier van Glasgow (John Moore)
How I Got Into Cartography
- Interview with Angeliki Tsorlini (Luis A. Robles Macías)