ICHC 2024 report (Pierre Parmentier and Luis A. Robles Macías)
Représenter le lointain, un regard européen (1450-1950) [ = Picturing the Far Away, a European Vision (1450-1950)] (Luis A. Robles Macias)
The Map Fair at the ICHC Lyon 2024 (Caroline De Candt)
Exploring places with maps
Argentario ceramic wall maps (Pierre Parmentier)
Looks at books
Carte Blanche - Ferraris diplomacy in a Europe in revolution (Caroline De Candt)
La carte de Cassini [ = The Cassini Map] (Jacques Mille)
La Provence de Cassini Regards sur la Provence à la fin du XVIIIe siècle (1775-1780) avec les cartes de Cassini [ = Cassini's Provence. Looking at Provence at the end of the 18th century (1775-1780) with Cassini's maps] (Christiane De Craecker-Dussart)
History and Cartography
Dupain-Triel Fils, the true author of the legend of the Cassini map... an uncertainty resolved (Jacques Mille)
The editions and states of Lacaille’s ‘Carte du Cap de Bonne Espérance’ (Roger Stewart)
How I Got Into Cartography
An interview with Šima Krtalić (Luis A. Robles Macías)