21st Paris Map, Globes, Scientific Instruments Fair
Paris, France
The fair is organized by Librairie Loeb-Larocque and Le Zograscope.
The fair includes antique maps, atlases, globes, scientific instruments and travel books.
Specialist antique scientific instruments dealers as Tesseract, Antony Turner, Iris Globes, Wunderkammer, and Le Zograscope will be showing a fine selection of globes, surveying and other scientific instruments. Librairie LeBail, Loeb-Larocque, Daniel Crouch, Gonzalo Fernández Pontes Libros y Mapas antiguos are only some of the 40 dealers who will be showing atlases, maps, town views and travel books from all parts of the world.
The map dealers Barry Ruderman, Neatline Antique maps, RD Rare Books and Maps and Geographicus from the USA, Vetus Carta from Canada and TMecca from South Korea are our non European participants much adding to the international character of the fair.
A small but interesting expo is included: Cartographies of Disease: Maps, Mapping, and Medicine, with maps showing diseases over the last 400 years.