28th International Conference on the History of Cartography (ICHC)
–Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Theme: Old Maps, New Perspectives. Studying the History of Cartography in the 21st Century
1. The Production and Circulation of Maps in the Past Sessions with reflections on key issues related to the production and circulation of maps, including the need for spatial data in society, evolutions in orientation and navigation practices, the materiality of maps, progress in land surveying, printing techniques, map publishing, etc.
2. Multifunctional and Multimedia Maps Sessions in which the various uses (and users) of maps in the past will be analysed and juxtaposed: institutional, official, commercial, military, secret, instrumental (maps and civil engineering), ideological, private, commemorative, intellectual (maps in education and science), collectable (histories of map collecting), etc.
3. Maps in the Digital World Primarily methodological sessions exploring the uses and values of digital techniques that enhance our understanding of maps and their role in past and present-day societies, and examining maps from the past as sources in applied research, e.g. for training in digital mapping, demonstrating the possibilities of 3D applications, and providing access to maps for a wider audience.
4. Maps and Water Sessions focusing on the production and use of maps of seas and rivers, both of which have featured importantly in the history of the Netherlands, including mapping in relation to discoveries and overseas trade, in marine navigation, and in aid of living below sea level (dike and polder maps, water management, land reclamation, irrigation works, etc.)
5. Any other aspect of the history of cartography