Home → Events → (online) Narrativas históricas y cartográficas del Río más extenso y caudaloso del mundo: el Amazonas [Historical and cartographic narratives of the Amazon River from the 18th century to the present day]
(online) Narrativas históricas y cartográficas del Río más extenso y caudaloso del mundo: el Amazonas [Historical and cartographic narratives of the Amazon River from the 18th century to the present day]
ColombiaOrganisation: The Amazonian cultural center of the Colombian National Bank (Banco de la Republica) in collaboration with the GET and IMANI research groups from the National University of Colombia, and the Razón Cartográfica networkThe virtual seminar (in Spanish) Historical and cartographic narratives of the Amazon River: from the 18th century to the present day will be free and will take place on July 9 and 10. Various cartographies of the Amazonian riparian space will be discussed, as well as the discourses, social, and environmental tensions by means of which the Amazonian rivers have been understood, represented and territorialized.Language: SpanishEntry fee: Free access.URL: https://banrepcultural.org/noticias/narrativas-historicas-y-[...]