Home → Events → (postponed to Spring 2021) 15th Conference on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage (ICA DACH)
(postponed to Spring 2021) 15th Conference on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage (ICA DACH)
RomaniaOrganisation: The Commission on Cartographic Heritage into the Digital of the International Cartographic Association (ICA)The Commission on Cartographic Heritage into the Digital of the International Cartographic Association, continuing the tradition of its annual Cartoheritage Conferences, since 2006, is organising the 15th Conference on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage (ICA DACH) jointly with the 22nd Conference of the Map & Geoinformation Curators Group - MAGIC on Challenges in Modern Map Librarianship in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-26 September 2020, in partnership with the Faculty of Geography, Babeş–Bolyai University.
Both Conferences follow a common working programme attended by all the participants, with thematic sessions dedicated to issues relevant to the subjects treated in the Conferences of the ICA Commission, according to its Terms of Reference (2019-2023) and the MAGIC Aims focused on map and geoinformation curatorship and in map-librarianship.URL: http://cartography.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage/Cluj-Napoca2020/