Maps & Surveys 2018
Arlington, UK
- 1015-1100 – Arrival, Registration and Tea/Coffee in the Foyer, Arlington Arts Centre, Donnington.
- 1100-1145 – MOUNTAIN, MULES AND MALARIA – SOLDIERING WITH THE BRITISH SALONIKA FORCE 1915-18. By Alan Wakefield, Imperial War Museum. Key aspects of the British Soldiers' experience in the Macedonian Campaign.
- WW1 100th ANNIVERSARY PRESENTATION – SURVEY IN MACEDONIA 1916-1918. By Mike Nolan, DSA. In January 1916 the Maps & Survey and Printing Sections R.E. moved from Gallipoli to Salonika and expanded to become 8 Fd Svy Coy R.E. under the command of Maj. H.Wood R.E. From a measured base and a triangulation the British sector was mapped at 1:20,000 and 1:50,000 scales by both plane-tabling and the use of air photos. A powerpoint slide show will run continually during the breaks to supplement the talk by Alan Wakefield and samples of campaign maps will be on display.
- 1145-1230 – HAIG: BRITAIN’S GREATEST COMMANDER IN CHIEF. By Peter Hart, Imperial War Museum. An examination of the career of Douglas Haig, covering his pre-war achievements and his performance as both a corps and army commander, 1914-1915. The main focus though will be on his superb performance as commander of the BEF, 1916-1918, defining his approach to his multifarious responsibilities, the difficulty in combatting the ever-mutating defensive tactics of the German Army and examining his ultimate success in creating the culture where the 'All Arms Battle' would emerge to eventually win the war.
- 1230-1330 - Lunch in Arlington Arts Centre. Display of historical military maps/memorabilia in the Arlington Arts Centre foyer.
- 1330-1400 – FORECASTING ON THE FRONT LINE, METEOROLOGY FOR H.M.S. QUEEN ELIZABETH. By Lt Rich Watsham R.N., H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth. The use of GIS and Met data to provide the Command Team on board with the best environmental data towards decision-making.
- 1440-1430 – GUNNER SURVEY CURRENT AND FUTURE. By WO2 SMIG Matthews R.A., Royal School of Artillery, Larkhill. The presentation will include a brief history of survey within the RA and current operational procedures which will demonstrate how we can operate in a GPS denied environment. Concluding with future intent and vision of where RA survey is progressing.
- 1430-1500 – Tea/Coffee in Foyer.
- 1500-1530 – THE FUTURE OF THE ORDNANCE SURVEY – HERITAGE OR HOLOGRAMS – RAMBLING OR ROBOTS? By Nigel Clifford CEO of Ordnance Survey, Southampton. For over 200 years O.S. has been responsible for describing the man-made and natural landscape of Britain. How will this change as we enter a world where machines create and consume data at a detail, scale and velocity that is unparalleled? Does the nation need a mapping agency – or will we all make our own maps as we go?
- 1530-1600 – GEO SUPPORT TO MEDICAL OUTREACH ACTIVITY ON EX ASKARI SERPENT BY HQ 1 UK DIVISION GEO SECTION. By Capt Quintin Locke RE, SO3 HQ 1 Division and or Geo Cell member/s. The 1 (UK) Division Geo cell has supported Ex ASKARI SERPENT, a Medical Regiment health outreach exercise in Kenya, providing a coherent patient data collection and geo analysis process based on open source geospatial tools for use by the UK and Kenyan participants. The project aims to provide geospatial analysis of health-related issues and trends, allowing better targeting of health resources in the areas visited. The processes and applications used have military wider applicability, particularly in UK Defence Engagement activities, often in areas where UK Defence mapping is sparse or lacks currency.
- 1600-1615 - Final Questions, Discussion and Closing Comments by President, DSA.
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