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HomeEvents → The Oxford Seminars in Cartography 2024-25

The Oxford Seminars in Cartography 2024-25

Online (Oxford), UK
  • 28 Nov 2024, Luz Martin del Campo (City University of New York, Vernacular environmental cartographies – landscapes and navigation unseen in Lacanjá Chansayab, Chiapas, México
  • 30 Jan 2025, Tania Rossetto and Laura Lo Presti (Università degli Studi di Padova) in conversation with Elizabeth Baigent (School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford), Map Readings – ‘Routledge Handbook of Cartographic Humanities’
  • 13 Feb 2025, Margriet Hoogvliet and Anouk de Vries (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Title to be confirmed
  • 15 May 2025, Carolina Martínez (Universidad Nacional de San Martín-CONICET, Argentina), Trans-Pacific maritime routes and Peruvian agency in three 17th-century nautical atlases
  • 29 May 2025, Petter Hellström (Uppsala Universitet), Unmapping Africa in the Age of the Enlightenment
  • 12 June 2025, Jean-Marc Besse (L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris), Geography and Catholic censorship in Europe at the end of the sixteenth-century
Contact: Nick Millea
Time schedule: 16.30-18.00 UK Time