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HomeNews → La Bibliothèque royale de Belgique devient KBR
Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België wordt KBR

La Bibliothèque royale de Belgique devient KBR
Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België wordt KBR

The world changes. The Royal Library of Belgium is evolving into KBR, a unique discovery experience to access exceptional knowledge.
  • Many sources of authentic information for readers and researchers
  • Rich cultural programming to discover extraordinary collections in a different way
  • Inspiring spaces: a real haven of peace dedicated to calm, study and reflection
  • Fully equipped meeting rooms in a unique setting, dedicated to professional meetings

KBR's missions remain the same, but the way to execute them changes. It adapts to society, rapidly changing, and to the new expectations of today's users.
KBR is now on a new website and has adopted a new logo.
All this is to be found on KBR website in French or in Dutch. Read more.

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