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PhD opportunity - From water to steam

The project will look at the transition from water to steam power in 19th century Scotland, very much using the Ordnance Survey's first and second edition maps to document locations and changing distributions of mills. The 3-year PhD is also supplemented by a six-month studentship project which will create a new, publicly-accessible web-based resource to ensure that the main results of the research are available widely.
Further details: Deadline for applications: Friday 6 April 2018
The project will be supervised by Dr Simon Naylor and Professor Paul Bishop, both at the University of Glasgow; Dr Miles Oglethorpe, Head of Industrial Heritage at HES is also co-supervising the project.
Funding is available to cover home tuition fees for UK or EU applicants for 3.5 years. A stipend is also available for students who have been resident in the UK for 3 years prior to the award (GBP 14 777.00 for Session 2018-19).
Chris Fleet. Map Curator | Collections and Research Department
National Library of Scotland, 159 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PH
Tel: +44 131 623 4670. Email: Website:

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