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Ristow Prize 2014-2015

The Washington Map Society is pleased to announce that David Fedman, a PhD. candidate in history at Stanford University, has been selected as the winner of the 2014 Ristow Prize in the history of cartography. His paper, entitled 'Mapping Armageddon The Cartography of Ruin in Occupied Japan' will appear in a forthcoming issue of The Portolan. Anouk Vermeulen, a PhD. candidate in the School of Classics at St. Andrews University in Scotland, received Honorable Mention for her essay 'Landscapes in Stone and Bronze: A New Interpretatin of Four Monumental Formae'.
The 2015 competition for the Ristow Prize is now open for applicants. Full- or part-time undergraduate, graduate, or first-year postgraduate students attending any accredited college or university worldwide are eligible to submit papers. Submissions are due 1 June 2015, and should be sent to Dr. Evelyn Edson, 268 Springtree Lane, Scottsville, VA 24590, U.S.A.
Visit the Washington Map Society home page:, and click on 'Ristow Prize' or send inquiries to

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