The Brussels Map Circle

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The new issue of e-Perimetron, the international web journal on sciences and technologies affined to history of cartography and maps, is now on-line: e-Perimetron, Vol. 10, No. 3 (2015).
Interesting article by Peter van der Krogt about The Origin of the Word 'Cartography'.

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The 27th International Cartographic Conference and 16th General Assembly of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 23 to 28 August 2015.

As Elri Liebenberg 2007-2015 tenure as Chair of the Commission on the History of Cartography terminated in Rio de Janeiro, she informs that the General Assembly elected Dr Imre Josef Demhardt as the new Chair of the Commission.

Dr Demhardt has acted as Vice-Chair of the Commission from 2007 to 2015; is a Director of Imago Mundi Ltd.; Co-Editor for Volume 5 of the History of Cartography Project, and was until recently President of the Society of the History of Discoveries He has written widely on the history of cartography and is an acclaimed expert on nineteenth century exploration and German colonial cartography.

As Vice-Chair of the Commission for the period 2015-2019 Dr Demhardt has solicited the assistance of Dr Mirela Slukan Altić.

Dr Mirela Slukan Altić specializes in historical geography, historical cartography, and urban and local history. She holds the rank of Full Professor in the Department of History of the University of Zagreb; is the author of twelve books, numerous scholarly papers, and is a contributor to the History of Cartography Project of the Chicago University Press. For the academic year 2013–2014 she was awarded the David Woodward Memorial Fellowship at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and was recently awarded a Research Fellowship at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

To ease the task of the Chair and Vice-Chair the Commission will in future be assisted by a Secretary / Web Content Manager in the person of Soetkin Vervust.

Soetkin Vervust is a PhD student in her final year in the Geography Department of Ghent University and is part of the Department’s CartoGIS research cluster since 2010. She holds a Master's degree in Archaeology and Geography (Ghent University). Her PhD research is funded by the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) and focuses on various aspects of the Carte de Cabinet of Ferraris and other 18th century maps. She has participated in various History of Cartography conferences and acted as secretary for the 2014 Joint Symposium of the ICA Commission on the History of Cartography, the ICA Commission on Map Production and Geo-Business, and the Brussels Map Circle which took place in Ghent in 2015.

The Commission has since its inception held the following successful international symposia:
  • 2006 Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • 2008 University of Portsmouth, U.K.
  • 2010 University of Arlington, Texas, U.S.A.
  • 2012 Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2014 Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

The Commission’s 2016 international symposium wild be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

From Elri Liebenberg (Chair 2007-2015), 19 September 2015.

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De Bijzondere Collecties van de UvA organiseren een introductiecursus over de geschiedenis van de cartografie. De cursus beslaat zeven vrijdagmiddagen in oktober en november en wordt gegeven door Jansonius-conservator Peter van der Krogt.
De introductiecursus richt zich op iedereen die meer wil weten van oude kaarten en is geschikt voor geïnteresseerden van alle niveaus en met uiteenlopende achtergronden. Deelnemers aan de cursus hebben na afronding een gedegen beeld van historische cartografie. De colleges worden gelardeerd met prachtige kaarten en atlassen uit de verzamelingen van de Bijzondere Collecties in de kaartenzaal.

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The most beautiful plans, maps and aerial photographs of Belgium and Central Africa are now online. It is the result of a unique cooperation by the National Geographic Institute, the Royal Library, the State Archives and the Royal Museum for Central Africa. The collection keeps expanding. Various applications offers the visitor to prepare his own collection. The link to the portal is

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Maps tell stories. More than the geographical information they contain, they tell why, when, for whom, and how they are made. Each map reveals something about the era in which it was created and the worldview of those who lived then.

This book explains how to read maps and opens every time a new world. Flanders in 100 maps traces the evolution of what is today the Flemish Region. The oldest map is hand drawn and more than 600 years old, the latest is virtual and a few years old.

The book focuses on both major historical events as milestones in the history of cartography. Figures such as Abraham Ortelius and Gerardus Mercator are known, but there are many more compatriots who have earned a place in this fascinating story.

Vlaanderen in 100 kaarten, Wouter Bracke et al., Davidsfonds Uitgeverij N.V. ed., hardcover, 320 p., ISBN 9789059086371, EUR 49.99. Published in Dutch only.

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Newsletter No 52 cover
Newsletter No 52


  • Places with maps
    • Museo Naval in Madrid
  • Pictures at an exhibition
    • Lafreri, Italian Cartography in the Renaissance
  • Looks at books
    • Lafreri: Italian Cartography in the Renaissance
    • Body Worlds - Opicinus de Canistris and the Medieval Cartographic Imagination
    • Around Philippe Vandermaelen
    • The Dauphiné
    • Shorter bibliographical notes
  • History and Cartography
    • How old are Portolan charts really?
    • Mechlinia Dominium, the smallest of the XVII Provinces
  • Interview
    • How I got into cartography: Benjamin Sacks
  • BIMCC news
    • Brussels Map Circle - 2014 Activity report
    • Brussels Map Circle - AGM report
    • Brussels Map Circle - Map Afternoon report
    • Brussels Map Circle - 2015 Programme
  • International news
  • Events calendar
  • Exhibition calendar
  • Auction calendar
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    The proceedings of Cartography and Cadastral maps held in Pisa 6 - 7 November 2013, are online and free for download at this link The printed version is also available at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, 56126 Pisa. Telephone. +39 050 509 787.

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