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Dr Catherine Delano-Smith is a leading geographer and historian of cartography and has done a great deal over the course of more than thirty years to deepen and widen research in the history of cartography, within the UK and across the world, becoming a lynchpin of the cartography community.

Dr Delano-Smith was presented with the award in recognition of her contribution to the study of cartography by the Society’s President, Professor Iain Stewart.

Dr Delano-Smith has been one of the foremost activists behind the resurgence of the critical history of cartography, not only in her own works which have been many and influential, but also in her promotion of the International Society for the History of the Map (ISHMap), in her support of a bespoke and well-respected lecture series of lectures at the Warburg and, vitally, in her role as the editor of Imago Mundi, the world’s leading journal for the history of cartography.

She has taken an eclectic approach to researching early maps, covering prehistoric maps, map signs on early printed maps, and the relationship between maps and their users. She is particularly interested in the connection between the map image and social changes in learning and education.

The Bartholomew Globe has been awarded by the RSGS since 2000. The first recipient was John C. Bartholomew and awardees include the National Library of Scotland’s Chris Fleet and RSGS Collections and Information Convenor Margaret Wilkes. Notice by Fraser Shand of RSGS. With the help of Sarah Tyacke.

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Founder of the Malta Map Society (MMS) in 2009 and still its President, Albert Ganado has been involved in studies on Maltese history and cartography for many years. Several of his books have been reviewed in these columns, and in 2011 he was awarded the prestigious IMCoS-Helen Wallis Award. In November last year he was invested with an honorary degree of Doctor of Literature by the University of Malta in recognition of all his multifarious contributions to society. Following this year’s annual general meeting of the MMS on 8 March 2014 a special party was held to celebrate his 90th birthday. Sincere congratulations to Dr h.c. Albert Ganado, distinguished historian and map personality, and probably the oldest active President of any map society in the world.

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The 2014 competition for the Ristow Prize is now open for applicants. Full- or part-time undergraduate, graduate, or first-year postgraduate students attending any accredited college or university worldwide are eligible to submit papers. Submissions are due June 1, 2014, and should be sent to Dr. Evelyn Edson, 268 Springtree Lane, Scottsville, VA 24590, U.S.A.

Visit the Washington Map Society home page:, and click on “Ristow Prize or send inquiries to

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The Washington Map Society is pleased to announce that Justin T. Dellinger, a PhD. candidate at the University of Texas, Arlington, has been selected as the winner of the 2013.

Ristow Prize in the history of cartography. His paper is entitled 'La Balise: A Transimperial Focal Point' and centers on a port at the mouth of the Mississippi River in the 17th centuries. 'La Balise' will appear in a forthcoming issue of The Portolan. Galia Halpern, a PhD. candidate at the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University, received Honorable Mention for her essay, 'Fantasies of Plenitude: The Textual and Graphic Space of India in the Middle Ages.'

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Newsletter No 48 cover
Newsletter No 48


  • Pictures at an exhibition
    • Military engineering and fortress building – fortification plans of Luxembourg in the Berlin State Library
    • Atlas of the Netherlands
  • Looks at books
    • The golden age of marine charts – When Europe discovered the world
    • New Worlds
    • Maps and pictures of the New Worlds
    • Seeing the World Anew: The Radical Vision of Martin Waldseemüller’s 1507 & 1516 World Maps
    • Ships on maps of the Middle Ages and the early modern period
    • The passion for collecting: expeditions into the Woldan Collection
    • Shorter bibliographical notes
  • History and Cartography
    • 1600, the Battle of Nieuwpoort
    • The oldest surviving globe showing the New World: c. 1504
  • BIMCC news
    • The ICA conference, Dresden, 25-30 August 2013
    • How I Got Into Cartography: Colin Dupont
    • A historical week-end in the French Hainaut – 19-20 October 2013
    • Mapping India, BIMCC International Conference, 7 December 2013, Brussels
    • BIMCC Programme for 2014
  • International news & events
  • Auction calendar

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The study of the history of cartography in Europe and the Islamic world has proceeded to date on parallel lines. Yet while scholars have tended to specialise in one or the other tradition, relations of exchange and influence between Islamic and European cartography have consistently been asserted. At the same time, institutional and linguistic barriers to comparative study have impeded systematic examination of the connections between Islamic and Western mapmaking.

The Leverhulme Network ‘Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World' aims to promote comparative, cross-disciplinary scholarship on Islamic and European cartography by bringing together experts in these two fields for a two-day symposium. Participants are invited to explore moments of contact between traditions (e.g. twelfth-century Spain; the court of Roger II of Sicily; fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Italian cartography; Piri Reis and post-Columban cartography of the early sixteenth century) as well as differences and divergences. Reflections on the methodology of the comparative study of maps are also welcome.

Papers may wish to address some of the following topics, but need not be restricted to them:

  • the contexts – material, political, spiritual, artistic – of mapmaking in Europe and the and the Islamic world
  • audiences for maps; ‘cartographic literacy’
  • interactions between European and Islamic mapmaking: exchange, influence, borrowing
  • reception of classical texts, e.g. Ptolemy’s Geographia/Jugrafiya
  • nautical mapmaking in the Mediterranean
  • cartography in the Ottoman empire (up to c. 1600)
  • comparative histories of cartography

Please send proposals consisting of an abstract of c. 300–500 words for 20-minute papers to Matthew Champion ( by 21 February 2014. Proposals are encouraged from doctoral students, early-career and established scholars, and travel and accommodation for speakers will be funded.

On behalf of the conference convenors: Alfred Hiatt (, Jerry Brotton ( and Yossi Rapoport (

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La première guerre mondiale a profondément bouleversé les sociétés et les territoires, mais aussi les vies personnelles et les formes de la vie culturelle, en Europe et ailleurs dans le monde. À tous égards, le conflit de 1914-1918 a eu un caractère fondateur. À l’occasion des commémorations de ce conflit, et en liaison avec l’exposition « Eté 14 : les derniers jours de l'ancien monde » qui sera présentée à la BNF (25 mars-3 août 2014), le Comité français de cartographie (CFC) souhaite organiser une journée d’études spécifiquement consacrée à la place de la cartographie dans la guerre, selon trois axes : le rôle de la carte dans la préparation de la guerre, l’usage de la carte sur les théâtres d’opérations, la carte dans une société civile en guerre. Les communications sélectionnées seront présentées en français ou en anglais et seront susceptibles d’être publiées dans un numéro spécial de Cartes & Géomatique, la revue du CFC.

More details:

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